2009년 7월 13일 월요일

error code : 0x80040201 -create by python24

Hi, EE.

I generated a dll file for my python(2.4) script. I coded like this…

options = { 'py2exe':{'optimize':2, 'compressed':1, 'excludes':excludes, 'packages':packages}},
com_server = [{"modules":["test.A_test"],"create_exe": True,"create_dll": True}],

And I got the A_test.exe and A_test.dll both.
However, when I try to register the dll (command>> regsvr32 A_test.dll),
I see an error message box tells “A_test.dll DllRegisterServer Filed,
error code : 0x80040201”.

I’ve been created a same dll with the same code before,
and it worked and I could register the dll which I made before.
I googled the error message but I could not find any helpful information about that.
Anybody knows about this problem and give some your great advice for me?
I would appreciate your help. Thanks in advance.

from Korea.